Learn OpenCV for Computer Vision

Learn CV tool perform hands-on in all essential topics

If you ever wondered what the logic and the program is behind on how a computer is interpreting the images that are being captured, then this is the correct course for you. In this course we will be using Open CV Library. This library comprises of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.

What you’ll learn

  • To study the process of Image formation and Image manipulation.
  • To study about image processing.
  • To impart knowledge on image enhancement techniques.
  • To understand the significance of vision in robotics.
  • To understand the process of integrating intelligence in Vision.

Course Content

  • About the Program –> 2 lectures • 8min.
  • Introduction to Computer Vision –> 4 lectures • 13min.
  • Software Installation –> 7 lectures • 25min.
  • Fundamentals of OpenCV –> 11 lectures • 44min.
  • Image Processing – Image Manipulation –> 6 lectures • 24min.
  • Image Processing – Arithmetic Operations –> 7 lectures • 21min.
  • Edge Detection –> 2 lectures • 12min.
  • Morphological Operations –> 6 lectures • 19min.
  • Image Thresholding & Filtering –> 7 lectures • 27min.
  • Image Segmentation –> 3 lectures • 15min.
  • Feature Extraction –> 3 lectures • 15min.
  • Motion Detection –> 3 lectures • 14min.
  • Project –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • About the Program –> 1 lecture • 2min.

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If you ever wondered what the logic and the program is behind on how a computer is interpreting the images that are being captured, then this is the correct course for you. In this course we will be using Open CV Library. This library comprises of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.

At this point, you would be wondering what is the purpose of learning Computer Vision? This is an area segment in Artificial Intelligence where computer algorithms are used to decipher what the computer understands from captured images. This field is currently used by various leading companies like Google, Facebook, Apple etc. You are having Computer Vision related aspects even in mobile phone applications like Snapchat, Instagram, Google Lens, etc.

In this course, we will cover the basics of Computer Vision and create a project. At this point, you would be wondering what is the purpose of learning Computer Vision? This is an area segment in Artificial Intelligence where computer algorithms are used to decipher what the computer understands from captured images. This field is currently used by various leading companies like Google, Facebook, Apple etc. You are having Computer Vision related aspects even in mobile phone applications like Snapchat, Instagram, Google Lens, etc.

In this course, we will cover the basics of Computer Vision and create a project.

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