Learn the MERN Stack with TypeScript

Build a Real World Application with NodeJS, TypeScript and React

In todays age in technology it is important to always stay current and up to date in terms of development stacks. The MERN stack is an ever popular and growing stack which consists of MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS. While NodeJS is becoming more and more popular, JavaScript is starting to take a back seat in the industry to TypeScript. Unfortunately, setting up all the technologies of the MERN stack with TypeScript is not as cut and dry as it should be, which is why I came up with this tutorial to get beginner web developers a step in the right direction with modern technologies.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn about the MERN Stack of Technologies using TypeScript.
  • Build a real world application to gain experience and show off your skills.
  • Expand your knowledge of React application with Redux and Routing.
  • Gain experience developing and debugging Typescript applications.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 10 lectures • 44min.
  • User Functionality –> 10 lectures • 2hr 46min.
  • Book Functionality –> 13 lectures • 3hr 16min.
  • Closing Thoughts –> 1 lecture • 1min.

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In todays age in technology it is important to always stay current and up to date in terms of development stacks. The MERN stack is an ever popular and growing stack which consists of MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS. While NodeJS is becoming more and more popular, JavaScript is starting to take a back seat in the industry to TypeScript. Unfortunately, setting up all the technologies of the MERN stack with TypeScript is not as cut and dry as it should be, which is why I came up with this tutorial to get beginner web developers a step in the right direction with modern technologies.


In this course we are going to gain a fundamental understanding of the MERN stack by building a full stack application that I call Library Management System. Unlike other courses on Udemy, we will be building something more powerful than a simple Todo Application and I am going to walk you through every step. Including setting up the NodeJS project with TypeScript, setting up routes on the server, creating the React application with TypeScript, setting up Redux and more. By the end of the course you should feel confident enough to not only put this project on your portfolio, but also expand upon the project with new features all by yourself from the experience gained.

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