Make a Quiz Game App in Windows Forms with C#

Create and play quizzes using this interactive app. Save and Load quizzes from a text file using C# and Windows Forms

In this course, we will create a desktop application using C# and Windows Form in Visual Studio. The application we will be making is a quiz maker application that will allow you to create a multiple-choice quiz. You can upload an image per question, add the question and answers. We will be using radio buttons to select the correct answer from the list of questions. Once you’ve created a question, you can then save that question to the program and create a new question. You can also save the question as a text file to the computer, load it up later to add more questions, update the questions, or delete any question. All of this will be done inside the application. We will also be performing exception handling in the program to solve the problem of files not being in the right format or empty file detection.

What you’ll learn

  • Create any type of multiple choice questions quiz using this program, you will learn how to make the program but also you will be able to use for a long time.
  • Create a Quiz Maker Destop Application in Windows using C# and Windows Forms using Visual Studio IDE.
  • Create a Quiz Player in the application where you can play the quiz you’ve created.
  • Save the quiz created as a formatted TXT file and load it again to either edit or play the quiz.
  • Add Images, texts and multiple choice questions to the quiz application.
  • We will create this application from the top down without using any third party assets, all of the elements will be done step by step.
  • In the quiz play window randomize the questions displayed on the screen.
  • Performs check to ensure the right type of text file is loaded to the game..
  • Become fluent in C# programming languages.
  • Learn the basics and intermediate methods of working with windows forms.
  • Master reading and writing text files in C#.
  • Design your own interface on Multiple windows and run them simultaniusly in Visual Studio.
  • Add your own checks to ensure only the right kind of file is being used in the quiz.
  • Work with Exception handling in C# and stop the program from crashing.
  • Solve simple to complex problems in C#.
  • Use OOP programming to load, read, edit and delete questions from the quiz.
  • Shuffle or randomize the order of the list to show questions in different order when the shuffle option is selected in the quiz.
  • Use Lists<> to collect the text boxes, radio buttons and the questions created.
  • Gain deeper understanding Loops such as While, For and Foreach in C#.
  • Create Custom Functions and Pass Parameters through them to achieve specific results.
  • Publish the application by creating a custom installer in Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Publish the application by creating a single EXE file with a custom Icon.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 2 lectures • 25min.
  • Creating the Interface –> 2 lectures • 47min.
  • Lets Code it all –> 4 lectures • 2hr 54min.

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In this course, we will create a desktop application using C# and Windows Form in Visual Studio. The application we will be making is a quiz maker application that will allow you to create a multiple-choice quiz. You can upload an image per question, add the question and answers. We will be using radio buttons to select the correct answer from the list of questions. Once you’ve created a question, you can then save that question to the program and create a new question. You can also save the question as a text file to the computer, load it up later to add more questions, update the questions, or delete any question. All of this will be done inside the application. We will also be performing exception handling in the program to solve the problem of files not being in the right format or empty file detection.

We will also create the play quiz window with this program. In this window, you will be able to load the quiz text file you have created and play the quiz. In this window, you will be able to randomize the questions for the quiz, where it will shuffle all the questions from the text file and randomly display them in the quiz. When the quiz starts, it will have a time limit per question, and it will automatically move to the next question if it has not been answered. At the end of the quiz, it will show a Q and A window that will contain the results of the quiz. It will show how many questions were answered correctly and show the answers for questions answered incorrectly. The program will keep track of all the questions from the text file.

Quiz Maker Window –

  1. Using object-oriented programming to create a questions class and organize the questions using it.
  2. Use windows forms components such as Labels, Radio Buttons, Buttons, Text Boxes and Picture Boxes to create the interface in Visual Studio.
  3. Create events for each of the necessary components.
  4. Use Lists<> to organize the text boxes and the radio buttons to communicate with each other.
  5. Use custom function to show, update or delete questions from the quiz.
  6. Load and Save text files from the quiz maker window.
  7. When loading the text file, check if its in the correct format, if it is not the show an error message on the screen.
  8. Use the back and next button o navigate the available questions from the quiz.
  9. Create new quiz questions that will be added to the questions bank automatically.
  10. Delete any quiz questions.
  11. Clear all the elements.
  12. And more

Play Quiz Window

  1. Load the text file and perform checks to ensure that its in the correct format.
  2. Enable and disable necessary components when conditions are met, such as game is running, file is loaded, quiz has ended etc.
  3. Use windows forms components same as the quiz maker window to create the interface.
  4. Use the questions class created earlier to load the questions, images, and answers to the screen.
  5. Allow the users to shuffle the questions, therefore random questions will display on the screen.
  6. If the user answers the questions correctly keep score of that in the program
  7. Display the result in a new window, give answers for the questions answered incorrectly.
  8. Use the timer and progress bar to display a specific time limit per question.
  9. Automatically change the questions when the timer limit is reached.


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