Web Development is Very Easy: A Crash Course

Fast Track Web Development course from scratch using PHP and C++ as back-end

Web Development very easy – And is matter fact ! you pay attention to mechanism and master just one back-end language you are a web-developer.

What you’ll learn

  • Web Development Fundamentals.
  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • PHP.
  • C++ for Web.
  • Javascript.
  • MySQL.
  • jQuery.
  • Bootstrap.
  • Student Projects.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 6 lectures • 20min.
  • HTML –> 20 lectures • 1hr 11min.
  • PHP –> 30 lectures • 3hr 20min.
  • Student database – Project v1 – using JSON file –> 6 lectures • 49min.
  • MySQL –> 9 lectures • 1hr 11min.
  • Student database – Project v2 – using MySQL –> 1 lecture • 8min.
  • CSS –> 6 lectures • 1hr 5min.
  • JavaScript (Fast Track) –> 12 lectures • 1hr 13min.
  • jQuery –> 5 lectures • 1hr 13min.
  • Student database – Project v3 – updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests] –> 2 lectures • 17min.
  • Additional Chapter : C++ for web (overview + implementation) –> 8 lectures • 41min.
  • Additional : Student database – Project v4 – updating -> PHP to C++ –> 5 lectures • 24min.

Auto Draft


Web Development very easy – And is matter fact ! you pay attention to mechanism and master just one back-end language you are a web-developer.

What is special? You will learn to code back-end not only using PHP but C++ as well in the additional chapter added, and your application will be as robust as any existing fast application on web.



  • About the Instructor
  • Introduction to Course
  • How Web works?
  • Installation of Necessary Tools – Windows
  • Installation of Necessary Tools – Linux


  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Document Structure
  • Head Tag
  • Basic Text Formatting
  • Creating our first HTML file
  • Headings and Paragraphs
  • Links (anchor Tags)
  • Images (img Tag)
  • Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
  • Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date , Time etc)
  • Extra date input controls (week, month)
  • Range input control
  • Combo box & List box (select Tag)
  • Text Areas (textarea Tag)
  • Forms (Form Tag)
  • Buttons (Submit, Reset)
  • Audio & Video controls
  • HTML Comments
  • <!DOCTYPE html> html5 standard
  • Script Tag (JavaScript)


  • Introduction to PHP
  • Enabling libraries
  • Basic output (HTTP basic headers)
  • Data types, Variables, Constants
  • Type-Casting
  • Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
  • Arrays (and their indices, indexes)
  • Decision making – Concepts
  • Decision making – Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
  • Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
  • Increment, Decrement operators
  • switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
  • Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
  • for – Loop
  • while – Loop
  • do-while – Loop
  • foreach – Loop
  • String manipulation – basics
  • Functions – basics
  • Variadic functions
  • Default arguments to function
  • Form submission program – GET & POST http methods
  • Security measures about incoming data
  • File IO
  • Sessions and some global variables
  • JSON data
  • Serialization
  • OOP in PHP – Object Oriented programming – an introduction
  • Inheritance
  • Access Modifiers – public, private, protected


Student database – Project v1 – using JSON file as data-store

  • Introduction to Project v1
  • Project Structure, Data Reading Writing Utility Script
  • Creating Homepage Listing
  • Add Student Record
  • Delete Record
  • Update Existing Record



  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Designing a database Visually – no-code
  • CRUD – Create Table
  • CRUD – Insert data in table
  • CRUD – Update existing records in table
  • CRUD – Delete records from table
  • CRUD – Emptying or Drop a table
  • Connecting to MySQL from PHP – Using msqli
  • Connecting to MySQL from PHP – Using PDO


Student database – Project v2 – using MySQL

Update Utility file – a complete review of the project



  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS basics
  • Bootstrap – What & Why
  • Bootstrap Grid system. Basics study
  • Bootstrap Form Controls basics
  • Let’s style our Project v2 UI using Bootstrap



  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basic output in JavaScript
  • Data types and Variables
  • Constants, let, var
  • Backticks in JavaScript
  • Comments in JavaScript
  • Classes in JavaScript
  • for – Loop using (in)
  • .forEach function
  • String manipulation in JavaScript
  • Functions in JavaScript
  • Local Storage



  • Introduction to jQuery
  • Use of CSS Selectors in jQuery
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Ajax (3 ways to send & receive data on the fly)
  • Code tuning and some useful function in jQuery


Student database – Project v3 – updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests]

  • Set Class of student using jQuery first
  • Ajax calls explanation & JSON output

Additional chapter : C++ for web (overview + implementation)

  • Introduction to C++ for Web
  • Similarities and Differences – comparing C++ with PHP and JavaScript
  • Basic C++ program – general structure
  • Basic Output in C++
  • HTTP basic headers and output
  • Processing http GET and POST data using C++
  • Linking MySQL with our C++ application
  • Connecting to MySQL and running queries using C++


Additional : Student database – Project v4 – converting PHP project to C++

  • Converting utility.php to utility.h file
  • Converting index to C++ version
  • Converting add record to C++ version
  • Converting update record to C++ version
  • Converting delete record to C++ version


NOTE: Following Topics are planned but not part of the Couse at the moment, these will be gradually added.

Planned Topics

  • Hosting your website online
  • Cpanel, WHM, aaPanel
  • FTP basics
  • Deploying Database
  • Fast way to Transfer website data to another server
  • Compiling your C++ code on server
  • Generating PDF using external program
  • Reading Writing Office documents
  • Converting Image Formats
  • Converting PDF to other formats
  • Obfuscation of PHP Code
  • Obfuscation of Javascript Code
  • Generating EXE file of your PHP Project
  • Generating Browser based Desktop Application
  • Delivering & Running PHP Web application without Apache Web-server
  • MySQL Triggers
  • MySQL Temporary Tables
  • Garbing Externa Program output / getting job done by external programs
  • Image Manipulation using GD
  • CURL
  • Magic functions of PHP