Docker – Your complete guide

Learn how to deploy applications using Docker

This has been one of my requested courses. Students have always been asking me to create a complete course on Docker. And here it is. Docker is widely used by organizations for deploying and managing container-based applications. There has always been a huge demand for IT professionals to have a good grasp when it comes to working with Docker. And that’s why I always had a huge following that kept on asking me to build this course.

What you’ll learn

  • Students will learn the core concepts when it comes to working with Docker..
  • Students will learn how to develop Docker Images and deploy them as containers..
  • Students will learn how to use cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to deploy Docker containers..
  • Students will learn about various concepts such as Docker volumes, networks and compose..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 10 lectures • 33min.
  • Docker – Images and Containers –> 25 lectures • 1hr 45min.
  • Docker – Building our own custom images –> 37 lectures • 1hr 33min.
  • Docker – Networking and data –> 30 lectures • 1hr 51min.
  • Docker compose and Docker hub –> 28 lectures • 1hr 33min.
  • Exploring cloud platforms –> 37 lectures • 2hr 4min.

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This has been one of my requested courses. Students have always been asking me to create a complete course on Docker. And here it is. Docker is widely used by organizations for deploying and managing container-based applications. There has always been a huge demand for IT professionals to have a good grasp when it comes to working with Docker. And that’s why I always had a huge following that kept on asking me to build this course.

This is your one-stop guide to learn all there is when it comes to Docker

In this course we will look into deploying different types of applications. We will consider simple HTML applications. And then look into deploying Node.js applications and then PHP applications that connect to a MySQL database. All via the use of Docker containers.

We will learn the following in the course

1) The basics behind why do we need containers in the first place.

2) How to install Docker and start working with it.

3) Use commands to work with the underlying Docker toolset.

4) Use different aspects when it comes to Docker volumes and Docker networking.

5) How we can deploy containers as services via the use of Docker compose.

6) How we can use cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services for deploying our container-based applications.

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