Easy Scratch Learning for Everyone

scratch , new developers

Learning to code is not just about understanding the programming language you use, but also about developing important computational thinking skills that are useful for solving problems in many subject areas. In this course, participants will learn basic programming skills by creating cartoons, animations, and interactive games in Scratch, a block-based visual programming language designed for anyone new to programming.

What you’ll learn

  • basics of computer programming.
  • warming up for scratchdevelopment.
  • how to think in an organized way(think like a developer).
  • preparation for part 2 of the course.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 8 lectures • 19min.
  • How To Move inside Scratch –> 4 lectures • 12min.
  • How to Change Looks –> 2 lectures • 6min.
  • Project1 : Singing Farm Animal –> 1 lecture • 7min.
  • Project 2 :Bouncing Letters –> 1 lecture • 12min.
  • Final Exam : Create Paint Application in scratch –> 3 lectures • 3min.

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Learning to code is not just about understanding the programming language you use, but also about developing important computational thinking skills that are useful for solving problems in many subject areas. In this course, participants will learn basic programming skills by creating cartoons, animations, and interactive games in Scratch, a block-based visual programming language designed for anyone new to programming.


“An introduction to programming using Scratch, a user-friendly programming language where beginners can write code by moving graphical blocks instead of typing text. ” Scratch is a computer program that was made for beginners taking the CS50 introductory computer science course at Harvard College. It was created at MIT’s Media Lab to help students who haveRephrase no programming experience make their own animations, games, interactive graphics, and stories. program enables users to create interactive stories, games, and animations. It is a visual programming language where users can snap together different blocks to create their own programs. Scratch provides a user-friendly way to learn coding concepts and allows users to share their projects with others.


This course teaches students the basics of programming using Scratch and also other languages like Java and Python. results or outputs, of functions; parameters, which are inputs into a function; and how functions can be organized into libraries to be reused. In simpler words, it means the outcomes given by the functions, the situations when programs can decide whether to do something or not, repetitive actions done by loops in programs, keeping and recalling information with variables, and other things. In simple words, this course helps students get ready for future programming courses.

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