Java Programming Course | Efficient Way to Learn

An Efficient Guide To Mastering Java | Simple and Effective

By The end of this course you will have mastered the following concepts

What you’ll learn

  • Core Java Syntax to easily make you competitive..
  • Install Java . Visual Studio Code IDE.
  • Configure Environment and System Variables.
  • Trouble shoot and fix bugs present in code | Java Debugging.

Course Content

  • The Efficient Guide to Java Core Mastery –> 38 lectures • 6hr 12min.

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By The end of this course you will have mastered the following concepts

Lecture 1:


Lecture 2:

What is Java programming?

Lecture 3:

Installing Java JDK, Visual Studio Code IDE and Configuring System Variables

Lecture 4:

Coding our first java program | Running the program using terminal and IDE

Lecture 5:

Java outputs using System.out.print

Lecture 6:

Java Comments | The type of java comments , how and when to use them

Lecture 7:

Java Variables | The types of variables , how and when to use them

Lecture 8:

Java Print Variables and Concatenation

Lecture 9:

Java Data Types | Primitive Data Types and Non Primitive Data Types

Lecture 10:

Java Numbers | Integer Types and Floating Point Types

Lecture 11:

Java Numbers | Floating Point Types

Lecture 12:

Java Type Casting | Converting From One Data Type to Another

Lecture 13:

Java Operators | Performing Operations on Variables and Values

Lecture 14:

Java Arithmetic Operators | Performing Arithmetic Operations

Lecture 15:

Java Methods | Block of Code Which Runs When Called

Lecture 16:

Java Parameters and Arguments | Passing Information to Methods

Lecture 17:

Java Method Return Values and Method Overloading

Lecture 18:

Java Strings and Java Scopes | An In depth Explanation of Java Strings

Lecture 19:

Java Math | The Mathematical Class In Java

Lecture 20:

Java IF ELSE Conditions | Java Conditions

Lecture 21:

Java SWITCH CASE Conditions | When and How to Use

Lecture 22:

Java While Loops and Do While Loops | When and How to Use

Lecture 23:

Java For Loops | When and How to Use

Lecture 24:

Java Object Orientation | Why is Java an Object Oriented Programming Language

Lecture 25:

Java Classes and Constructors | Deep Dive Into Classes and Class Attributes

Lecture 26:

Java User Inputs | Using java.util.Scanner Class

Lecture 27:

Java Packages | Java Encapsulation

Lecture 28:

Java Access Modifiers | Setting Access Levels for Classes

Lecture 29:

Java Packages | A Guide to Encapsulation

Lecture 30:

Java Inheritance | Parent and Child Classes

Lecture 31:

Java Polymorphism | When and How to use it

Lecture 32:

Java Abstraction | Abstract Classes |Data Abstraction and Data Hiding

Lecture 33:

Java Interfaces | An Abstraction Concept


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