Learn Terraform on Microsoft Azure – platform engineering

Learn how to use Terraform using Azure PaaS services. Learn platform engineering techniques

This course takes you through all aspects of Terraform from initial setup and the basics, though to how structure the code for reliable, constant deployments to multiple environments or locations

What you’ll learn

  • You will be able to write Terraform code and build infrastructure as code using Azure..
  • You will understand key Terraform concepts and how to use these..
  • You will understand some of the techniques we can use to optimise terraform code..
  • You will understand how to structure of Terraform code for reliable deployments..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 9 lectures • 36min.
  • Variables –> 9 lectures • 36min.
  • State –> 7 lectures • 33min.
  • Modules and structure –> 9 lectures • 42min.
  • Logic and iteration –> 13 lectures • 1hr 6min.
  • Networks and security –> 7 lectures • 48min.
  • Environments –> 5 lectures • 26min.

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This course takes you through all aspects of Terraform from initial setup and the basics, though to how structure the code for reliable, constant deployments to multiple environments or locations

This course has been developed to take you from the basics of using terraform, though to building a functional web application using Azure platform as a service resources. The primary focus of the course is terraform and I will teach and give you real world examples of how to use this, from an initial monolithic deployment to a well-structured and modularised deployment. The course covers all the essential terraform topics and as it progresses builds until we’ve a working deployment that you’d find in a production environment.

From an Azure perspective, we will be working with several PaaS resources like web app, key vault, DNS and private link. Just to set expectations this isn’t an Azure course, but I do cover some basics and provide background information. All the resources will be deployed following current best practice and secured, so you’ll have an excellent frame of reference for your future deployments.

This course has been developed to be as practical as possible, most of the lessons are follow along in nature.

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